Workshops for professionals
The Netherlands is a hub for international professionals in Europe with a vibrant and multicultural community.
Cultures from all over the world meet and work together. However, cultures often clash because we do not possess the cultural intelligence to understand, empathize, and collaborate with people from different cultures.
SPILEA offers workshops to professionals aiming to cultivate cultural intelligence and leadership skills that are meaningful to our multicultural environment and promote mental health focused on 2 topics:
Cultural intelligence & leadership
Positive psychology in the workplace
If you want to book an introductory appointment to discuss possibilities for workshops at your organization, go to Book Online.
The first introductory appointment is free of charge.

Cultural Intelligence & Leadership

How can you easily work and build successful partnerships in multicultural working environments?
What do you need to know to cooperate smoothly in multicultural teams?
How can you effectively lead multicultural teams?
In a multicultural working environment, we are challenged to interact, lead, and collaborate with people from diverse cultural backgrounds that may be very different from ours. We might have different social etiquette, personal and work values, or simply a different way of thinking. Cultural intelligence is our ability to function and adjust effectively in situations of cultural diversity and it is a powerful tool in our professional success. In this workshop, we will challenge our beliefs and preconceptions about cross-cultural collaborations, we will develop our skills on cultural intelligence, and learn how we can effectively collaborate and lead multicultural teams.
Positive Psychology in the workplace
What are your strengths and how can you use them to achieve your professional goals?
How can you use your strengths to lead your team more effectively?
How can your strengths help you deal with conflict at work?
Positive psychology focuses on our strengths, skills, capabilities, and characteristics that help us build relationships, achieve our goals, enjoy our life, and flourish. A big part of our life is our job. We want to be productive, fulfilled, and successful. Positive psychology helps us understand, use, and boost our strengths in the workplace to improve not only our performance but also our well-being. It helps us use our strengths to build successful partnerships and teams. In this workshop, we will uncover our character strengths, put them in use, and learn how to adjust them to succeed.